Qian Qiao wrote:

>It's just like moving into a new neighbourhood, you have to take your
>time to get acquainted, it is natural to feel a bit uncomfortable at
>the begining, but that's not how it is. Once you get used to things,
>you'll be part of that neighbourhood.

I live in the country, about 10 miles out.  I can't throw a rock and hit
my closest neighbor.  I can't even see them.  If things work out with my
lady and I move, it will be pretty tough.  She lives in apartments in
the city.  She's that nice.  Amazing how a 100 lb lady can move me. 
O_O  Yup, she's tiny.

>Hope that'll make you feel better. :)

It helped.

>-- Joe
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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