Hello, Karl.

On Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 21:58:37 +0200, k...@aspodata.se wrote:
> Alan Mackenzie:
> > Yes, console soft scrolling is back!  That essential feature that was
> > stripped out of the kernel at around 5.4.x has returned!

> It is commit 087b6cb17df5834d395ab72da3f937380470ba15,
> between v5.4.65 and 66.
> Perhaps also 0d123a8c64fde433a, cf5a7ded53652c3d63d72, and possible
> other stuff.

I will confess that I don't actually have a git repository of Linux on
my machine.  I'd have to back it up, somehow.  It would be a fair amount
of work to write an efficient back-up procedure - the one I have at the
moment for git repos backs up the entire repository, which would
probably be excessive for Linux.

Currently, I've changed a mere five files, for which I'm getting by with
symbolic links in the kernel tree pointing into my home directory.

> > Only this time, it's even better!  Instead of one scrollback buffer
> > shared between all tty's, there's now a buffer for each tty.

> Great, no more missing data when switching vts.

> Btw, wasn't that added in commit aabd31c421ddc730edf6d89c4ed3885e4fca5e30
> but turned off by default.

There was no capability at all for one buffer per tty in framebuffer
consoles.  It was there for VGA consoles, and, I think, one or two
others.  The configuration page for it was confusing - the option for
"persistent scrollback" was purely for VGAcon, though that wasn't
obvious.  I spent time in the past trying to get multiple buffers
working, and was even considering reporting a bug.

> ...
> > One or two features haven't (yet) been implemented - having a
> > single scroll buffer shared amongst all tty's isn't there,
> ...

> Is there any reason to share the buffer ?

Not that I can think of.  The only reason might be if somebody wanted a
very large scrollback buffer, but didn't have a lot of RAM.  But even
so, the current default takes a total of less than 1 MB of RAM with the
standard 7 tty's.  Even increasing the buffer size to 10 MB, that would
only come to 70 MB.  Such a size of buffer would really need more
sophisticated handling, with search facilities, some marking of
positions, and so on.  That would be a large project.

> > Bug reports and other comments are welcome, of course.

> git log drivers/video/console/vgacon.c etc. can give some ideas
> what one is up against.

Once I find some way to read it.  ;-(

Anyhow, the patch I have is working software, and is not going away any
time soon.  It means I can carry on using Linux.

Just in case you're interested, the problem I had with no scrolling on
tty1 was due to the way the console was initialised early on in the boot
process.  Its structures were initialised in a separate place from the
normal init function, thus bypassing the scrollbuffer's init.  When it
came to re-initialising it for scrollbuffer, this partial initialisation
acted as a flag not to carry on with the init.  At least it caused me to
learn about printk.  ;-)

> Regards,
> /Karl Hammar

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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