>My waterblock is clogged again, down to a trickle of flow, not bad
>enough to be dangerous at idle but I've had to order some fresh O-rings
>from Germany and will need to rebuild the damn thing again.

Unless you're a hardcore overclocker, there's really no reason to bother with 
it, especially not today with modern hardware that's running cool with pretty 
weak cooling to begin with. :)

>Any thoughts about running a drive this old, and what I should be
>looking at as a replacement?

No matter how old or new your disk is, keep your backups current and in working 

If it's old, I would just keep an extra eye on the S.M.A.R.T. status and 
replace it when it's getting close to dying. If you're lucky it will last you 
for a long time and if you're unlucky it could die any day, which is also to 
true for any disk.

>Root is a 256gb SATA Samsung SSD, no concerns about lifespan on that
>drive. I hadn't heard of M.2 yet when I bought it...

A SSD is just fine. You're not gaining any performance with a M.2 disk anyway.


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