Am Fri, Feb 05, 2021 at 10:43:39AM -0600 schrieb Matt Connell (Gmail):

> On Fri, 2021-02-05 at 09:36 +0000, Michael wrote:
> > Wouldn't a binary distro, potentially purpose built as a NAS and/or HTPC 
> > offering, make more sense?  I don't see what advantage the maintenance 
> > burden 
> > of a Gentoo system has to offer in this use case, other than repurposing 
> > with 
> > little effort an existing Gentoo installation.  :-/
> Running Gentoo on my home server makes the maintenance burden *lower*
> for me because I can use all the same tools I'm used to.  Besides,
> portage is the pinnacle of package managers IMHO.  Using a GNU+Linux
> system without USE flags and such feels like I'm stuck in a hallway,
> with someone else's idea of how software should be configured and
> deployed.

Coincidentally, my NAS is the only Gentoo system left in my menagerie. The
install base is much smaller than on a desktop, which keeps the package
graph to a manageable size (and with, it portage churning time). Every few
months I fire it up to store new movies or grab old ones to watch, and I do
a system update at the same time. That way I won’t lose all of my Gentoo-foo
over time.

I built it in a small cube-format server case and a server-grade mITX board,
and maxed it out with four drives, 6 TB each, plus a small system SSD. They
are used in a raid Z2 data pool, on top of LUKS-encrypted block devices.
This is out of pure paranoia in case I need to send a drive in for warranty.
Currently, I don’t use the system for anything else but media library. For
24/7 services I have a raspi. The power bill just isn’t worth it.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
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Team work:
Everyone does what he wants, nobody does what he should, and all play along.

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