How bump version and manifest local ebuild. I copied barcode-0.99.ebuild to local/portage and tired to bump version mv barcode-0.99.1.ebuild ebuild /usr/local/portage/app-text/barcode/barcode-0.99.1.ebuild manifest
but when I try to manifest it, it can not find barcode-0.99.1.tar.gz (it doesn't exist). I was trying to apply this patch to current version: I can manifest (with the patch) current version: barcode-0.99.ebuild but renaming it after manifesting won't work, it complain about Manifest mismatch. I was trying to bump the version, so I can distinguish local from the official one. If I keep the version the same, how to point emerge to "local/portage". Do I unmerge the official one and keep the one in local/portage?