Hello, On Wed, 09 Dec 2020, John Covici wrote: >On Wed, 09 Dec 2020 11:20:06 -0500, Mark Knecht wrote: [..] >[31mFAILED: [0mobj/v8/v8_base_without_compiler/intl-objects.o [..] -O2 -pipe -c ../../v8/src/objects/intl-objects.cc -o obj/v8/v8_base_without_compiler/intl-objects.o >../../v8/src/objects/intl-objects.cc:52:28: error: static assertion failed: v8 >is required to build with ICU 68 and up > 52 | V8_MINIMUM_ICU_VERSION <= U_ICU_VERSION_MAJOR_NUM,
The wording though is, ahm, backwards. You need dev-libs/icu >= 68.0, which is still unstable. Or set '-system-icu' as useflag. HTH, -dnh -- printk(KERN_DEBUG "adintr: Why?\n"); linux-2.6.19/sound/oss/ad1848.c