On Tue, 27 Oct 2020 at 21:58, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using the normal youtube-dl <link to video> command.  No options or
> anything.  This is what I have in the conf file.
> --format
> bestvideo[ext=webm][width<=?1280]+bestaudio/bestvideo[ext=mp4][width<=?1280]+bestaudio/best
> --merge-output-format mp4
> Those options worked for a long time so I guess something changed with
> youtube-dl.  I don't get why it says the options are a URL either.  When
> I google, I can't find where anyone is getting this error or using
> different options either, at least not to accomplish the same goal. I
I took a quick look at the commit history, and it seems the
documentation for the format options haven't changed in at least a
year, so it's hard to say if it is actually youtube-dl being the
culprit here.

Might be a quoting problem. Have you changed or updated anything
regarding your terminal emulator lately?

Maybe run your command with the verbose flag (-v) and see if it tells
you the full command it is trying to run. Notice in the docs the whole
format string is quoted with single quotes.


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