On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 04:45:06PM -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> The ansifilter package won't build on this system yet.  Certainly one to
> get in future though.

I'll see if I can send you a binary off-list. It's not a particularly
complicated package, so I reckon you should be able to run a pre-compiled
executable without many issues.

> I have a /etc/portage/package.use subdirectory containing zz-autounmask
> file.
> Do I need to append sys-auth/polkit elogind to the end of that
> zz-autounmask file?

If package.use is a directory, that's fine (and recommended). Every file in the
directory, and any subdirectories, contains package.use entries, all
concatenated together by Portage when processing. If you want, you could append
the entry to zz-autounmask, but you could also do something more elegant:

        /etc/portage/package.use $ mkdir sys-auth
        /etc/portage/package.use $ echo "sys-auth/polkit elogind" > 


Ashley Dixon

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