On Mon, 22 Jun 2020 19:25:11 +0100, antlists wrote:

> > Warning; that still does not change the fact that each individual file
> > cannot exceed 4G in size on regular FAT.
> >  
> Warning 2: I did exactly that, and it LOOKED like it was working 
> happily, until it overflowed some internal limit and my 1G card turned 
> into a 128M card or whatever it was. Have you actually TESTED that card 
> IN THE DASHCAM and made sure it can actually use that 128G? Or will it 
> only be able to use 4G of that card?

There are a lot of SD cards with fake capacities, they appear to be large
but are actually a smaller card reprogrammed to do so. You only find out
when you go beyond the true capacity. There are tools to check this, such
as sys-block/f3.

Yes, I tested the card in the dashcam, it has been running reliably for
several years, including producing footage that the police used in their
prosecution of a drunk driver. I've also used a microSDXC card in a
camera, with an SD adaptor, with no issues.
> Oh - and 32GB cards are physically different from 128GB cards because 
> they work to different standards.

They are, but the differences are minor so don't necessarily cause
compatibility issues. However, it is always worth making sure than the
card and camera are fully compatible before trusting it to anything

Neil Bothwick

Evolution stops when stupidity is no longer fatal!

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