On 2020-06-15, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Howdy,
> I finally bought a 8TB drive.  It is used but they claim only a
> short duration.  Still, I want to test it to be sure it is in grade
> A shape before putting a lot of data on it and depending on it.  I
> am familiar with some tools already.  I know about SMART but it is
> not always 100%.   It seems to catch most problems but not all.  I'm
> familiar with dd and writing all zeores or random to it to see if it
> can in fact write to all the parts of the drive but it is slow.

It takes a long time to write 8GB no matter what tool you're using.

> It can take a long time to write and fill up a 8TB drive. Days
> maybe?

I would guess several days

> I googled and found a new tool but not sure how accurate it is since
> I've never used it before.  The command is badblocks.  It is
> installed on my system so I'm just curious as to what it will catch
> that others won't.  Is it fast or slow like dd?

backblocks was designed to do what you want.  For an 8GB drive, it
will probably take most of a week.

> I plan to run the SMART test anyway.  It'll take several hours but
> I'd like to run some other test to catch errors that SMART may
> miss.  If there is such a tool that does that.  If you bought a used
> drive, what would you run other than the long version of SMART and
> its test?

babblocks would be a good start.

you could also use stress-ng with the "hdd" options:



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