On 07/06/2020 09:08, Dale wrote:
I notice that one can use different encryption tools. I have Blowfish, Twofish, AES and sha*** as well as many others. I know some have been compromised. Which ones are known to be secure? I seem to recall that after Snowden some had to be redone and some new ones popped up to make sure they were secure. Thoughts??
Some had to be redone ... Elliptic Cryptograph Curve or whatever it's called. The basic maths is secure, but the NSA got a standard released (you have to pick a set of constants) where the constants had been nobbled. DJB has released a different set of constants (ECD25519) which is thought to be secure.
I think it was LWN, there was an interesting article on crypto recently. Cheers, Wol