Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Saturday, 6 June 2020 17:16:23 BST Dale wrote:
>> Jack wrote:
>>> sys-libs/gpm perhaps?
>> That should be the one.  I have that installed and I use it on those
>> rare occasions when the GUI doesn't come up and I need to edit a config
>> file by pasting from a error to a file.  It comes in handy since typing
>> it in manually could result in a typo etc. 
>> I keep mine in the default runlevel.  However, if a person finds
>> themselves in the boot runlevel, just start the gpm service.  I've never
>> seen it depend on anything else so it should start with no problem even
>> in a otherwise broken system.  It should start even if in single user mode.
> I have a no-x run-level here, as well as a nonetwork. GPM is in those but not 
> in default, because GPM used to conflict with display managers in their use 
> of 
> the mouse. No doubt that was fixed long ago, but old habits die hard.

I've never ran into that here.  I put it in default because the howto
recommended it.  It shouldn't block anything else from starting but some
recommend only putting certain things in the lower runlevels.  If one
wanted, test it in default.  If it works fine, move it to the boot
runlevel.  That way it is available almost anytime the GUI fails. 

It does come in handy tho.  It's saved me some typing on several
occasions.  While I could live without it, I'd rather have it.  lol


:-)  :-) 

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