On 06/06/2020 08:49, Dale wrote:
First drive seems to have died. Got part way copying files and things got interesting. When checking smartctrl, it even puked on my keyboard. Drive only had a few hundred hours on it so maybe the drive was iffy from the start or that enclosure did damage somehow. Either way, drive two being tested. Running smartctrl test first and then restart from scratch and fill it up with files or something.
Take it out the enclosure and it might be fine. I regularly have drives "die" in an enclosure and then work fine when I take them out.
That's why I bought an open bay - it's eSATA and the only bit of the drive that is enclosed is the connectors. Keeps the drive from cooking ...
Oh - the other thing - if it's PMR and you're copying files onto it, expect a puke! That thing on WD Reds going PMR, I copied most of that on to the linux raid mailing list and the general feeling I get is "PMR is bad".
Cheers, Wol