On 2020-05-26, Frank Tarczynski <frank.tarczyn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm building a video conference appliance using a Raspberry Pi 4 for
> my parents.

Sorry, no advice running Gentoo on RPi.  I run OSMC/Kodi on an older
RPi, and it works fine, but I don't think there are any video
conference apps for Kodi.


For skype and zoom, I'd probably just buy them a 10" Kindle Fire.

There are Zoom and Skype apps available for it.  Main drawback:
smallish screen and limited to 4 video windows at a time in
zoom. However, it's portable: you can flip to the back camera and walk
around the house/yard to show something to people.  It's also nice in
that you can just tap on a Zoom invite url in the email app, and it
"just works".

I haven't trie Skype on Fire.

You can add hangounts/duo, but you've got to futz around sideloading
the Google App store first.


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