Excuse top post. Responding from phone.

1) what desktop environment?

2) what shows up under /proc/around/cards?

3) what are the speakers plugged into?


On Thu, May 14, 2020, 5:51 PM Alan Grimes <alonz...@verizon.net> wrote:

> I don't really know why sound is working on my machine rn.
> I think there is some kind of embedded USB bus AMD thingy that generates
> some digital stream that is simply played by a set of DACs on my mobo.
> The chipset listed in the motherboard manual seems irrelevant.
> The capacitor in my speakers is dying again, I bought these speakers
> back in 2006 and have hardly ever turned them off since. So they don't
> have much gain anymore, So I need some boost from the card....
> Because I need to change a setting, alsamixer just dies when I try to
> configure it. When I try to select USB audio, the thing instantly
> crashes to desktop.
> atg@tortoise ~ $ alsamixer
> cannot load mixer controls: Broken pipe
> atg@tortoise ~ $
> B L E H ! ! ! !
> --
> The vaccine is a LIE.
> Powers are not rights.

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