On 04/29 06:05, jdm wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just bought a RX 5600 XT and after a few issues with screen
> freezing after kernel starts loading, resolved by compiling EFIFB (no
> previous FB compiled in) the card has been working fine for 2 days
> booting normally. The machine then started not to boot, not even to get
> to BIOS (so you couldn't even press DEL to get to BIOS screen). I took
> the card out and replaced with old card and PC started fine. I tried
> this 4 times and still with new card PC would not even POST. I don't
> have a little speaker to here if there are any beeps.
> I am returning the card as it feels like that is the problem but have a
> nagging suspicion this could be some other problem like power supply. I
> have 700W coolermaster PSU which should be ample (according to websites)
> but is 9 years (amazingly they had the foresight to provide 8 and 6 pin
> cables which were both plugged in).
> My next issue is do I get another 5600 XT (different brand) or are
> nvidia equivalent better? I have always been an AMD fan. Could I end up
> in the same boat.
> PC spec - ASUS 470 Pro MB with 2700 Ryzen.
> Any advice would be much appreciated?
> John

Hi John,

what graphicscard you want depends heavily on what you want to
do with your PC...
What are the tasks, which put a heavy load on your PC/graphicscard and
which you are do regularily?
Do you do a lot of rendering (Blender for example) or video
(re-)encoding? Do you AI related things (tesorflow for example)?
Or is gaming you main application?

Furthermore: You CPU must fit your graphicscard performancewise.
It makes no sense to choose "a performance beast" and to combine
it with a "entry level being".
The fastest graphicscard can onlu as fast, as data are coming from
the CPU and vice versa.

On the internet you find a combination of the Ryzen 5 3600 with
one of the nvidia RTX 20[678] SUPER cards. The RTX 2060 SUPER
comes with 8GByte of video ram instead of 6 GBYte of the RTX 2060.

"Linus Tech Tipps" and "Tom's Hardware" are probablu to look for.



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