On Saturday, April 25, 2020 1:23 AM, Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> It's not outwardly a traveling salesman problem, but it's on the same
> level of difficulty. If you look at RDEPEND in an ebuild, you'll see a
> bunch of entries like
> cat/pkg <= version
> As the package manager recursively processes all of the ebuilds in the
> dependency graph, you wind up with a goal like
> maximize the versions of all installed packages
> subject to
> cat/pkg1 <= version1
> cat/pkg1 > version2
>     cat/pkg2 >= version3
>              ...
> That looks a lot like a linear programming problem, but package versions
> are discrete. So ignoring all of the details, it's believable that we
> have an integer programming problem, which is NP-complete.

i'm dumb, and don't fully understand this, but i
think i found something interesting:

[1] http://www.aimsciences.org/article/doi/10.3934/jimo.2014.10.557

i wonder, can gradient descent be used to find
optimal portage solution?  didn't read beyond the
abstract in [1], but from the abstract it seems
doable (i.e. integer programming solvable by
gradient descent).  anyone please correct me if
i'm wrong.

if doing it with gradient descent is doable, then
i wonder, can emerge one day be GPU accelerated?

how coold would it be?  :D  ``world's 1st GPU
accelerated package manager''!

of course it is not a pressing issue, but i think
it is a very fun puzzle to think about in my free
time (which is most of my life these days), and i
think some here may like contemplating such
shameless thoughts.


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