On Mon, 6 Apr 2020 14:06:29 -0600, Grant Taylor wrote:

> I used to be a strong advocate of greylisting.  I had some of the 
> problems that have been described.  Then I switched to Nolisting, a 
> close varient of greylisting that I haven't seen any of the same (or 
> any) problems with.
> If a sending email server follows the RFCs and tries multiple MXs, then 
> email gets through in seconds instead of having to re-try and wait for
> a greylist timeout.

So does that mean you have four MX records?

Nolist server
Primary MX
Backup MX
Project Tar server

in order of decreasing priority?

Neil Bothwick

Being defeated is a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it

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