On 2020-03-19 00:12, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
On 2020-03-18 22:57, n952162 wrote:
Well, some new recognitions ...
It turns out that those /dev/disk subdirectories don't necessarily have
all the disk devices represented:
1. by-id/
2. by-partuuid/
3. by-path/
4. by-uuid/
There is also by-label, which you can reference from fstab like
LABEL=foobar /home ext4 defaults ...
If predictability and readability is the goal, I think using labels is
the best option, because you have complete control over them, unlike the
device IDs. For example:
LABEL=my-machine-home-part /home ext4 defaults ...
This doesn't solve your underlying timing problem, of course. Just apropos.
I had by-label/ in the back of my mind, thinking that was always
available as a fall-back, but then forgot about it because it's /not
there/! That list above I got with ls(1).
I wonder if whatever process it is that builds /dev/disk (/udev/?) is
getting aborted, because I can't imagine a reason that
/dev/disk/by-uuid/* -> /dev/sda* shouldn't be there.