I'm not too sure that running it as a mail server is impossible.
Depending on your expected traffic level, it should be more than capable
enough to do it.
My current server is only a 1 core + 1 GB VPS, which is much more lax
than a pi-4.
Depending on what guides you follow you can definitely set it up as a
mail server.
But I am curious how you are planning to do this, unless you have a
static ip + reverse DNS configured?
On 2020-02-27 10:11, Ralph Seichter wrote:
* james:
I'm thinking about setting up a pair of Rasp-Pi-4 as DNS servers with
4GB of ram. Is that enough ram for a DNS server?
For running the Nameservers, yes. Compiling Gentoo packages will likely
put your SD-Card under stress, but that's just how it goes. My Model B
Rev 2 of 2015 runs dnsmasq as DHCP server, NGINX, Postfix, Unbound and
more for a bunch of clients in a LAN. It is quite nifty as a local DNS
Resolver and DHCP server, because it is usually the fastest to boot
after the occasional power outage.
I would not use it as an Internet-facing production Mailserver, though,
because that would generate a lot of I/O, which is not a Raspberry Pi
strong suit.