You can separate the package directory and distfiles directory from the
ebuild tree.


That lets you keep the ebuilds local to your laptop.

On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 9:08 PM William Kenworthy <>

> PORTDIR="/mnt/mfs/portage"
> /mnt/mfs is a moosefs fuse mount
> shared full tree including distfiles, and separate package files for
> different hardware groups
> BillK
> On 27/2/20 9:56 am, Michael Jones wrote:
> When you say you have a remote portage. What do you mean?
> The actual portage tree, with all the ebuilds? Or something else?
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2020, 18:08 William Kenworthy <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>     due to space considerations on my laptop I have moved portage onto a
>> network share (moosfs, mfsmounted) - slower but works fine.  However,
>> being a laptop trying to update/install when out and about is both very
>> slow and network intensive through a vpn - again, it works but is even
>> slower to the point of not always being practical
>> Is there a way to localise/speedup portage scanning parts of the
>> update/install process?
>> 1. put it on a squashfs share to save space (the laptop is running btrfs
>> with compression so I don't think that will get me much)
>> 2. put portage on an sd card and mount it when necessary
>> The laptop is a Surface Pro4 so expanding the storage is not practical -
>> though I could shrink the windows partition a little more.
>> BillK

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