That doesn't apply to the kernel. 4.19.97 got tagged on January 17. January 18. it was stable on amd64 and x86 - one day instead of 30. Here is the stabilization request: There were some issues and changes to the targeted versions.
Am Fr., 7. Feb. 2020 um 19:18 Uhr schrieb Mike Gilbert <>: > On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 10:23 PM Matt Connell <> > wrote: > > > > On 2020-02-06 11:40, Ian Zimmerman wrote: > > > 5.4 has just become the newest LTS. > > > > I see that now. But my original question still stands as to why the > > stable version of gentoo-sources is consistently a few versions behind > > the latest LTS release. > > Typically, Gentoo maintainers leave new versions in ~arch for some > time so they can be tested by a broad set of people. Stabilization > bugs are normally not filed until a given version has spent at least > 30 days in ~arch. > > See GLEP 40 for details on this process. > > > >