On 2020-01-14 00:16, Mick wrote:
On Monday, 13 January 2020 22:40:14 GMT Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Mon, 13 Jan 2020 11:15:31 +0000, Mick wrote:
According to my emerge --info output I have sandbox, usersandbox and
userpriv, all set. The owner of my portage directory and all files
therein is root:root. Should the ownership be portage:portage? What
is the default?
As it happens, I switched a machine from rsync to git syncing last night,
so started with a new tree. Everything is root:root. That implies that
portage does not drop permissions for the sync, otherwise it wouldn't be
able to write to the tree. And ps confirms that with an rsync sync, rsync
is running as root.
Thanks Neil, this this leaves me mildly confused as to what the gentoo-default
ownership of portage tree is/should be. Until I hear differently I'll leave
my old installations as portage:portage and the latest as root:root.
It sounds to me like the repository is broken - having ownership as root
seems to be slightly more entropy than portage and could have happened
as a unintended consequence of some uncarefully completed operation.
Is this the proper list to be on?