Caveman Al Toraboran wrote:
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Thursday, January 2, 2020 10:53 PM, Dale <> wrote:
>> I'm not sure how either of your posts helped the OP.  You don't like
>> KDE, you think KDE doesn't fix bugs, got it.  I'm not sure how that
>> helps with the problem.  I've filed a bug report or two in the past with
>> KDE and they got fixed, sometimes in strange ways but fixed never the
>> less.  It seems to me that either your past requests, if you made any,
>> were not bugs or was not fixable for some reason. 
>> Just a thought.
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-)
> OP asked for thoughts before he submits the bug report to KDE, and I gave him
> thoughts to save his time by guiding him towards the better path.  If OP
> follows my advise, he should get increased productivity.  Do you see now?
> Your last 2 posts are useless, and you are trying to make me offer you free
> online parenting services.  This was supposed to be offered to you by your
> parents.  If you need extra help, please email your parents.  I am not going 
> to
> be your online parent.

Your post was more about your dislike for KDE than anything else.  I saw
nothing that would help the OP or the software to correct the problem. 
When a person discovers a bug or some other flaw in software, advising
them not to file a bug report is pointless advice that helps no one.  It
doesn't help the OP or anyone else either.  This list is about helping
others and when the problem is not something the OP can fix, advising to
file a bug report so it can be fixed by the people who can.  I to in the
past have asked about filing a bug report and who it needs to be filed
with.  Sometimes it is a Gentoo issue, sometimes it is upstream.  Asking
to be sure is a sensible thing.  Advising a person that filing a bug
report for what is known to be a bug is the proper course of action. 
What software it is doesn't matter. 

If the OP had a problem with the desktop GUI you are using, would you
give the same advice?  Would you post that filing a bug is pointless
because the software sucks?  Really?  You imply that I'm childish when
you have the point of view you have which is childish?  The OP found a
bug, so did others it seems which is based on the bug report that was
filed, and it needs to be reported and info shared to help the devs fix
it.  Your opinion that the software sucks is irrelevant.

I don't need your parenting advice.  I'm 52 years old.  My last parent
died less than a year ago.  Emailing them for advice, not that I need
any but maybe you do, is not a option for me.  So I don't need your
parenting advice or you to tell me I need any. 


:-)  :-) 

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