Mick wrote:
> On Tuesday, 24 December 2019 06:40:13 GMT Dale wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> I have them all in a directory named, wait for
>> it, wallpapers.  Under that they are sorted in directories by what they
>> are, where they come from or whatever.  I try not to go to deep but it
>> does pick up at least two or three levels deep.  I've had it set that
>> way for ages and it has always worked with the only problem being it
>> picking them at random.  Some are intended to be like a slideshow. 
>> Anyway, they added the option of doing them in different orders
>> including a-z, which is nice.  It will be nicer if I can get it to work
>> now.  ;-)
>> Problem.  When I have it set to the main directory and I login to KDE,
>> plasmashell goes nuts.  It hogs up a full CPU core and never stops. 
>> It's not exactly memory friendly either.  The little panel thingy at the
>> bottom, the thing with the clock and the pager etc, locks up tight.  The
>> clock doesn't change, you can't select anything with it or anything
>> else.  Just for giggles, I left it for half a hour or so hoping it would
>> finish whatever it was doing but it never did.  Killing plasmashell and
>> restarting results in the same problem.  Once it does that, I have to
>> downgrade to a earlier version of plasma.  While fiddling with it today,
>> I had the idea of manually restarting plasmashell and letting it show on
>> the screen what it was doing.  Since the panel thingy won't work,
>> neither does the clipboard so no copy and paste of the actual error
>> itself.  What it showed me tho was that the wallpapers was the problem. 
>> It said something about bad metadata for each and every wallpaper image
>> I have stored.  I can't recall the error exactly but may can reproduce
>> it later.
> Take a pic of it so you have a more precise idea what it reports and google 
> for ideas on what may be causing it.  If you're on a console use tee to 
> redirect the output to a file, or use gpm to select some text off the screen 
> and paste it in a file.

OK.  This is what it spits out, one after another:

kf5.kpackage: No metadata file in the package, expected it at:

After that, it repeats the same thing with the path and name of each
image on the end of the above.  The only thing that changes is the file

With that, I googled and found this.


Which had this fix:

"All good, I found a solution.
I just cleaned all plasma configuration with rm ~/.config/plasma* and
logged in my session again."

I have these files located there:

root@fireball / # ls -al /home/dale/.config/plasma*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dale users    35 Oct 16  2017
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dale users    26 Oct 16  2017
-rw------- 1 dale users    34 Oct 10 08:16 /home/dale/.config/plasmanotifyrc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dale users 11262 Dec 24 13:01
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dale users    68 May  3  2018 /home/dale/.config/plasmarc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dale users   974 Dec 23 10:40 /home/dale/.config/plasmashellrc
-rw------- 1 dale users   207 Mar 24  2018
root@fireball / #

I'd think the 1st, 4th and last one wouldn't be the ones, but what do I
know.  I'd think the others could be something.  Still, I went digging
through them all.  The file plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc has
many mentions of wallpapers and lists directories of where they are.  So
far, #1 suspect.  After checking the other files, no mention of
wallpapers found.  I know, I could have used grep for this but . . .

OK.  I renamed the file with .old.  Logged out and back in again and
lost pretty much every setting I had.  No big surprise just slightly
annoying.  Anyway, after getting things back to being usable, I added
the wallpaper directory back, the monster directory, and guess what,
same thing.  CPU went to 100% on one core and stayed there.  Now it just
so happens that a friend came up to visit and we ended up talking for a
good hour or so.  When I came back, it was still banging away doing
whatever silliness it is doing.  So, we up to about a hour without it
completing whatever it is doing.  Do I really want to go through this
with every login??? 

So, it seem that when they changed the random only part of this to being
able to do them in order, they added some indexing system or something
without thinking about people who may have quite a few of wallpapers.  I
guess in the meantime, I'm going to have to whittle down the directories
or something.  Of course, I could add my directory for my camera pics
and see if it just plain blows up or something.  That would add another
50,000 images and push the total over 200,000 at that point.  ROFLMBO

It sucks when they improve one thing but then basically break the whole
thing in the process.  ROFL 

Now to see what other replies I have. 

Thanks much.


:-)  :-) 

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