On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 4:49 PM David Haller <gen...@dhaller.de> wrote:

> First of all, decode that C++ symbol with c++filt:
> $ echo
> _ZN3fmt2v68internal14sprintf_formatIeEEPcT_RNS1_6bufferIcEENS1_13sprintf_specsE
> | c++filt
> char* fmt::v6::internal::sprintf_format<long double>(long double,
> fmt::v6::internal::buffer<char>&, fmt::v6::internal::sprintf_specs)
> Now, with a bit of guesswork and tabbing,
> $ grep -r sprintf_format /usr/include/fmt/
> /usr/include/fmt/format.h:void sprintf_format(Double, internal::buffer &,
> core_format_specs);
> /usr/include/fmt/format.h:    internal::sprintf_format(value, buffer,
> normalized_spec);
> /usr/include/fmt/format-inl.h:void sprintf_format(Double value,
> internal::buffer &buf,

With libfmt-6.1.1 there's no matches to that grep. With a looser match;
$ grep -r sprintf /usr/include/fmt/*
/usr/include/fmt/printf.h:inline std::basic_string<Char> vsprintf(
/usr/include/fmt/printf.h:    std::string message = fmt::sprintf("The
answer is %d", 42);
/usr/include/fmt/printf.h:inline std::basic_string<Char> sprintf(const S&
format, const Args&... args) {
/usr/include/fmt/printf.h:  return vsprintf(to_string_view(format),

The format.h file is there, however.

libfmt-6.1.0 is also missing internal::sprintf_format but its there in
6.0.0. Kodi runs now with 6.0.0 and didn't require a rebuild. Thanks!

Before I posted I had already rebuilt kodi, and run revdep-rebuild, which
didnt find anything.

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