On Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 06:46:57PM +0100, Ralph Seichter wrote
> * Walter Dnes:
> > How would this be accomplished under IPV6?
> You may find https://youtu.be/A3LFt7CHpgs helpful. It is a video about
> Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP), provided by RIPE NCC.

  I prefer man pages to rambling Youtube videos.  I checked it out, but
it doesn't appear to answer my question.  My /etc/hosts contains...    i3.waltdnes.org       i3  i660.waltdnes.org       i660  d531.waltdnes.org       d531   thimk.waltdnes.org      thimk  thimk3.waltdnes.org     thimk3

  Neighborhood Discovery Protocol will discover all machines on my local
LAN.  Questions...

* which machine is which?
* given that SLAAC and DHCPV6 assign random addresses how do I
  accomplish the equivalant of "scp <filename> i660:."  I.e. how do I
  *CONSISTENTLY* match hostnames to IP addresses.  And no, I don't want
  to have to "scp <filename> [1234:2345:3456:4567:5678:etc]:."

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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