In europe it's a bit different.
My gentoo client runs in dual stack mode so my server does as well.
I have ipv4 and ipv6 enabled and get 2 ip addresses from my ISP.
of course i have 2 firewall rules, iptables and ip6tables. But why not.....
works out of the box.
On 2019-11-27 01:09, Rich Freeman wrote:
On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 6:41 PM Ralph Seichter <> wrote:
My current ISP offers native IPv6 and has been doing so for years.
While choice varies across different countries, IPv6 availability has
increased considerably over the last 10 years, which is why
has discontinued services[1] mid 2017. Even a small amount of searching
should turn up a decent ISP in most industrialized countries.
Uh, at least in the US most ISPs serve a particular geographic area,
and most areas have 1-2 to choose from. Well, unless you want to pay
to actually run a dedicated line to your house. So either you deal
with the consumer-oriented services available in your area, or you
move to an area that has better options. I can't imagine that most
people would move for IPv6.
I just hope the local telecoms support IPv6 properly before they go so
far as to start doing carrier-grade NAT...