
On lun. 28 oct. 01:09:06 2019, Simon Thelen wrote:
> eudev was forgotten in the deps for virtual/libudev-232-r1, there should
> be a fixed virtual/libudev-232-r2 in the tree already. Resync and it
> should (hopefully) just work™.

I just synced my tree, but I don’t have a stable -r2

regis ~ # eix-sync
 * Calling eix-diff
[U]   == app-arch/unzip (6.0_p21-r2@10/01/18; 6.0_p21-r2 -> 6.0_p25): unzipper 
for pkzip-compressed files
[*>]  == app-text/xpdf (~4.02 -> 4.02): The PDF viewer and tools
[>]   == dev-ruby/loofah (2.2.3 -> 2.3.1): Library for manipulating and 
transforming HTML/XML documents and fragments.
[>]   == media-gfx/graphviz (2.40.1-r1^t -> 2.42.1^t): Open Source Graph 
Visualization Software
[>]   == media-sound/lollypop (1.0.12^t ->^t): Modern music player for 
[>]   == sys-apps/firejail (0.9.50^t -> 0.9.60-r1^t): Security sandbox for any 
type of processes
[>]   == sys-auth/pam_p11 (0.3.0 -> 0.3.1): PAM module for authenticating 
against PKCS#11 tokens
[>]   == www-client/httrack (3.48.21-r1 -> 3.49.2-r2): HTTrack Website Copier, 
Open Source Offline Browser
[>]   == x11-misc/polybar (3.2.1 -> 3.3.1): A fast and easy-to-use tool for 
creating status bars
      << games-fps/ut2004-action ({M}~1): UT2004 Action - Action movie mod
      << games-fps/ut2004-airbuccaneers ({M}~1.6-r2): UT2004 Air Buccaneers - 
Pirate-style conversion with flying wooden ships
      << games-fps/ut2004-cor ({M}~1.01-r1): UT2004 Counter Organic Revolution 
- Shape-shifting robot teamplay mod
      << games-fps/ut2004-crossfire ({M}~1.95): UT2004 Crossfire - Special 
Forces vs Terrorists
      << games-fps/ut2004-deathball ({M}~2.4w): UT2004 Deathball - Fast-paced 
first person sport mod
      << games-fps/ut2004-fragops ({M}~2.20): UT2004 Frag Ops - realism mod
      << games-fps/ut2004-hamsterbash ({M}~1): UT2004 Hamster Bash - Cute and 
violent hamster cage rampage mod
      << games-fps/ut2004-muralis ({M}~1.15): UT2004 Muralis - third-person 
hand-to-hand single/multiplayer mod
      << games-fps/ut2004-strikeforce ({M}~4.1): UT2004 Strike Force - a 
terrorist vs. strike force mod
      << games-fps/ut2004-troopers ({M}~6.0): UT2004 Troopers - Star Wars mod
      << games-fps/ut2004-unwheel ({M}~0_beta5): UT2004 UnWheel - multiplayer 
driving mod focusing on fun driving
[N]   >> net-analyzer/gvm (~10.0.1): Greenbone Vulnerability 
Management,previously named OpenVAS
[N]   >> net-analyzer/gvm-libs (~10.0.1): Greenbone vulnerability management 
libraries, previously named openvas-libraries
[N]   >> net-analyzer/gvmd (~8.0.1): Greenbone vulnerability manager, 
previously named openvas-manager
regis ~ # eix virtual/libudev
[U] virtual/libudev
     Available versions:  215-r1(0/1) 232-r1(0/1) ~232-r2(0/1) {static-libs 
systemd ABI_MIPS="n32 n64 o32" ABI_RISCV="lp64 lp64d" ABI_S390="32 64" 
ABI_X86="32 64 x32"}
     Installed versions:  232(0/1)(08:53:03 11/09/17)(-static-libs -systemd 
ABI_MIPS="-n32 -n64 -o32" ABI_PPC="-32 -64" ABI_S390="-32 -64" ABI_X86="64 -32 
     Description:         Virtual for libudev providers

regis ~ # cat /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf 
main-repo = gentoo

priority = 1000
location = /usr/portage
sync-type = git
sync-uri = https://anongit.gentoo.org/git/repo/sync/gentoo.git
auto-sync = yes

Is it expected?


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