On Monday, 14 October 2019 16:56:48 BST Marc Joliet wrote:
> Am Montag, 14. Oktober 2019, 17:33:41 CEST schrieb Hartmut Figge:
> > Grant Edwards:
> > >This morning emerge is complaining that virtual/pam-0-r1 is masked and
> > >scheduled for removal in 14 days.  But virtual/pam is required by
> > >sys-apps/shadow which is part of the base profiles.
> > 
> > I was just bitten by that.
> > 
> > >What am I missing?
> > 
> > Time for waiting?
> > 
> > Hartmut, gets coat
> Yeah, time for waiting.
> I happen to know a bit of what's going on (I skim the Gentoo git log daily
> and read gentoo-dev), so here's a recap (from memory, so I might get a
> detail or two wrong):  The virtual was there for the Gentoo BSD
> profile(s?), which had their own PAM implementation, and which were
> recently removed (they were horribly outdated and apparently nobody is
> working on the Gentoo/BSD project anymore).  Because of that, sys-libs/pam
> is now the only provider of the virtual and is replacing it in *DEPENDS. 
> That makes the virtual redundant, so the last step is to remove it. 
> Apparently not everything has been moved over yet, or maybe some
> stabilizations are still not finished, in any case I wouldn't worry about
> it, it might be resolved by the next sync.
> --
> Marc Joliet
> --
> "People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
> don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

I was bitten by this last night:  I resync'ed, ran 'emerge -uaNDv --
withbdeps=y @world' and made a note of all packages which portage wanted to 
rebuild, but at the same time was asking me to unmask virtual/pam.  Then 
emerged them with --oneshot and portage stopped asking me to unmask virtual/
pam thereafter.

I suppose --changed-deps would also work, but I didn't try it.


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