On Mon, 2 Sep 2019 10:23:15 -0500, Dale wrote:

> It appears Konsole creates a world readable file while Krusader
> doesn't.  To be honest tho, I sort of think Krusader is doing it
> correctly.  It does mean I have to change it for portage to work but it
> should be set to portage since it is what is using/reading the file
> anyway.  While it sort of annoys me that I forget to change the file,
> I'm not sure I want to change the setting, since it makes sense to me
> that it does it that way. 

This appears to be a non-default setting in Krusader. I just tried
created text files, both as a user and as root, and they had 644
permissions. For some reason, your Krusader is ignoring the umask setting
and creating files with restrictive permissions. Does it do the same when
run as a non-root user?

Neil Bothwick

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