Hello all, I'm struggling to get emacs to incorporate imagemagick to allow for rudimental image viewing and manipulation functionality. I have both media-gfx/imagemagick-7.0.8-50 and app-editors/emacs-26.2 installed. With imagemagick installed prior to an emacs rebuild the compiler output says something to the effect of 'Imagemagick detected... no' despite the `imagemagick` USE flag being enabled. Similarly, when I run eval-expression in emacs for (image-type-available-p 'imagemagick), a value of nil is returned meaning that emacs is still unaware of imagemagick. I think I can probably add imagemagick to the environment path but I am unsure which directory to add. Most of the binaries live in /usr/bin which is already on the PATH by default. Would appreciate any suggestions the mailing list could offer.
All the best, James