On 2019-06-20 20:10, Dale wrote:
Kai Peter wrote:

The bad thing about this, sometimes I have to use exclude gentoo-sources from things such as --depclean.  It's annoying but it's the only way I
could come up with to do this. 

You can do an 'emerge --noreplace' - one time.

I read the man page for this option, I'm not sure how it would help. 
All that does is prevent it from recording that it is installed in the
world file.  Since I have -1 set as a default, it does that when I
emerge single packages already.  If I want to keep it and it not be
--depcleaned, then I use -n --select y to add it to the world file. 
Thing is, some packages require some sort of kernel to be installed as a
dependency last I checked. 

Or am I missing something?


:-)  :-) 
It is just to exclude a gentoo-sources version from depclean. I assumed you do something like this:

$> emerge -c --exclude=gentoo-sources:4.14.83

and may be multiple times. With --noreplace the corresponding version will be omitted, so a simple 'emerge -c' would be enough.

Anyway, I did struggle with this gentoo-sources thing a long time ago. I want to have the latest stable (minor) version (patch) of the running kernel installed as well the newest stable one. As long as it is not compiled and booted is uses only some disk space. If I have compiled the kernel I use e.g. 'emerge --noreplace gentoo-sources:4.14.83' to keep it.

To get the latest patch version I have ...package.mask/gentoo-sources. For the latest stable sources I remove the file and re-create it afterwards. This is done by a cron job automatically. A little bit like this ('gentoo-sources' contains: ">=sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.15")

emerge -u gentoo-sources
TMP=`cat $FN`
rm -f $FN
emerge -u gentoo-sources
echo $TMP > $FN

Just my way. To me it is important to have a high level of automation. With automation it is unimportant how many gentoo-sources kernels are installed. I remove obsolete ones periodically by hand.

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