On 2/13/19 11:03 AM, Ich wrote:
> I did "emerge @world -uvDNa" before, it pulled in perl-5.26 , I tried to
> downgrade to 5.24 but it didn't change anything.
> only after downgrading amavisd-new I had a working setup again.

Amavis itself is self-contained, but SpamAssassin uses a bunch of perl
stuff. The first thing I would try (as root) is,

  $ perl-cleaner --all --reallyall
  $ revdep-rebuild

and then restart amavis. If that doesn't fix it, you might try running
amavis in the foreground. You can stop the daemon, and then run

  $ /usr/sbin/amavisd -c /etc/amavisd.conf foreground

to start it in the foreground. Now, after you receive a message, you
should be able to *see* it stop. And with any luck you will see the
reason why it shuts down.

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