On Sun, 3 Feb 2019 23:47:35 -0600 Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> Some may recall me mentioning using LastPass to manage my passwords. 
> Obviously, it can generate very strong passwords that are different for
> each site.  It can also remember them as well which makes things more
> secure than using just a few passwords for all sites.  One for things
> like financial sites, maybe a less secure one for some site you still
> want reasonably secure and a even weaker one for sites you don't care
> about hacking, and hackers likely won't either.  I know some people who
> do this even today.  Heck, ages ago, I was one of them.  Things change
> tho.  Some passwords can be hacked in seconds by a desktop computer,
> including my own if I had the software and knowledge to do it. 
> The one thing about most all password managers, they have a master
> password.  That one password unlocks the rest.  Trick is, having that
> one be a good one that is easy to remember, type on a keyboard and be
> secure, virtually unhackable but also unforgettable.  I've had what used
> to be a strong password for a while.  Thing is, with today's computing
> power, it really isn't anymore.  While no one could just guess it, it
> could be cracked/hacked I'm sure.  I need to come up with a new one that
> meets the requirements I just mentioned.  Strong, easy to remember, easy
> to type but won't forget.  I've read that using maiden names, years of
> birth or whole dates of birth, actual names, pet's name, words in a
> dictionary and a whole list of other things makes it easier, especially
> if you post a lot on social media, for hackers to use against you.  I'm
> trying to avoid that sort of thing obviously and have a couple ideas but
> am curious as to what method others use, without exposing to much detail
> since this is public. 
> How do you, especially those who admin systems that are always being
> hacked at, generate strong passwords that meet the above?  I've googled
> and found some ideas but if I use the same method, well, how many others
> are using that same method, if you know what I mean.  ;-)  Just looking
> for ideas. 

1) Install app-admin/apg.
2) apg -a1 -m40

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

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