Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Feb 2019 18:19:26 -0600, Dale wrote:
>> I suspect that anyone trying to hack us Linux users, users of this list
>> especially, would have a rough road ahead of them.  Based on replies
>> here, some have some pretty good methods of coming up with a password. 
>> Let us hope none of us dies instantly and takes the passwords with us. 
>> o_O  I put mine in a fire safe.  Just in case.
> Does LastPass have an export option? With KeePassXC, I can export all my
> passwords to a CSV file that I save to a USB stick I keep in my safe.

Yes it does.  I export mine when I do major changes, usually when I do
financial sites.  It exports it as plain text.  I then copy and paste it
into a text file and encrypt it with KGpg.  At that point, you still
need the password to decrypt it, and I guess this computer tho it may be
doable on another system with the keys.  As I mentioned before, there's
a lot I don't know about this encryption stuff still. 

I may get me a tiny USB stick and put the master password, keys and such
on it.  I'm sure you know more about this than I do, what all do I need
in case it has to be done on another system?  In other words, what all
would I need to copy over to the USB stick? 

It seems you just put yours on a stick as plain text.  If you trust your
safe, that should be fine.  Since I have mine on my system, I encrypt
it.  It may be easier to do it your way tho.  At least easier for
whoever comes after me. 


:-)  :-)

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