Mike Gilbert wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 1:39 PM Alan Grimes <alonz...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> Some F-tard at Gentoo world headquarters left the portage tree in an
>> inconsistient state, shrugged, and walked away.
> Comments like this are very unwelcome, and your general attitude sucks.
> If you continue to communicate this way, I will request you be banned
> from this mailing list.

I'm trying to recall but am not sure, is this the same Alan that used to
come on here and post this sort of thing when the problem was in the
chair not Gentoo?  I recall the person I'm speaking of having a script
that just created a mess and then he blamed it on Gentoo.  I might still
have some of those emails but someone else may recall if this is the
same person or not.  If it is, I think he was
restricted/banned/something for a while. 

I might add, a LOT of people put him in the /dev/null file back then. 

Anyone have better memory than me?


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  Keep in mind, there is like three Alans lurking about. 

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