On 19/01/2019 12:51, Jacques Montier wrote:
I did not have any problem with bash emerge so far.
Here is the attached log.
As usual, i successfully logged with my root password (su -) and then
#emerge -uv bash

The only thing i did some days ago, was to change my user jacques password.
In the sudoers file, i have the row : jacques ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
So with sudo, i don't have to write the root password.

It is not version bash related as i tried to re-emerge the installed app-shells/bash and it fails.

I can't see why "emerge -uv bash" would ever invoke sudo. So I'd say that you should first find out what command is being executed with sudo. To do that, try to emerge bash, and when the sudo prompt pops up, switch to another terminal window and do:

  ps aux | grep sudo

What's the output of that?

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