Am Montag, 14. Januar 2019, 13:55:31 CET schrieb Raymond Jennings:
> I just checked for ekiga in the tree, and I was just about to request it be
> added when I noticed a few bugs indicating it used to be in the tree,
> implying it was since removed.
> A log check within /usr/portage/net-voip/ekiga reveals that it was
> apparently removed pre-git

That's wrong:

I can't say for sure why it was removed, but I'd guess because it is 
unmaintained (see  Well, OK, it looks like upstream git [0] is 
getting some commits (though mostly translation updates for the past two 
years), but there hasn't been a release since 2013, let alone a port to Gnome 
3.  Use at your own peril!

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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