Dale wrote: > Howdy, > > I mentioned in other threads that I'm doing some upgrades to my system. > My first question is about a CPU upgrade.
SNIP Here's a update. I swapped out the CPU. While I had the CPU cooler off, I gave it a good bath. It wasn't to bad for being in there for 7 or 8 years but it needed some cleaning. I cleaned off the base part and dunked it some hot soapy water. After soaking a bit, I took a brush and cleaned off the part where the air enters. I got it pretty clean. I also replaced the 120MM fan for the CPU cooler. When I did my last shutdown, it needed some help getting going again. Once it got started, it did fine but it didn't like that cold start. I figure the bearings are going out or something. I did force some oil on the bearing which helped some. Given its age, it needed to be replaced. I also put a screen on the fan to help make it cleaner. I'll clean it ever so often. The biggest surprise I had, a bad ethernet cable. When I got booted up, I couldn't get the network to work. I couldn't get to the router or modem. Odd thing is, I could ping google but it was slow. Browsers wouldn't do anything tho. Finally I put a known good cable between the puter and the router and it started working. I guess when I unplugged all the cables, that one must have went out. While trying to diagnose that, I pulled the SATA card I had put in. I thought maybe there was a conflict of some sort messing up the network card. I'll shutdown and put that back in. I don't have any drives plugged into it yet. I ran into another issue. I'm out of SATA power plugs. I thought I had another string of cables but turned out, I don't, or I can't find them. They should be in the power supply box with all the other cables. I did find a cable already in there for the new video card. While I haven't measured anything, it does seem a little faster. I figure compiling will be the biggest time I'll see a difference. Gkrellm gave me a bit of a surprise tho. It showed all the cores and it ran off the bottom of the screen a good bit. It seems to have reset gkrellm too. I had my fans and such labeled but they got lost somewhere. I'll have to figure out which ones are what again. Now to recompile everything with the new settings for the CPU. Thanks to all. It went pretty well, other than the ethernet cable. Dale :-) :-) :-) :-)