David Haller wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sat, 08 Dec 2018, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
>> On 08/12/2018 03:01, Dale wrote:
>>> I just noticed the video card that is coming requires a power cable.  I
>>> never had one that powerful before.  O_O
>> You've been out of the loop it seems. GPUs have required power cables for
>> over a decade now. The GPU I use actually needs *two* power cables and places
>> a minimum wattage requirement on the power supply... :-P
> *Meh*
> I miss my Matrox Mystique (first model w/170MHz RAMDAC!) with a
> whopping 4 MB SGRAM, and not even a heatsink, just the plain naked
> chip, much less a fan, and it ran in a PCI slot, at about ~4.5W (or
> was it 5W?) theoretical max usage...
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrox_Mystique
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MatroxMystique2MBcard.jpg
> I only replaced that ~10yearish ago because my new screen had a
> whopping 1280x1024 on 17", which those 4MB just won't do at decent
> bit-depth... *sigh* For 1152x864 on the CRT it was still good, but
> that screen just got too dark to see anything at all, so I had to
> replace it. Got a nice (expensiveish) PVA-TFT. Still very nice after
> ~10 years, even with CCFL it has darkend only minimally[1] :) And yes,
> I'm still fine with 1280x1024 on 17", TYVM :) I could even set up the
> spare monitor (same size/res) alongside, but I just don't need it.
> Now, I've got (again) a passive GPU for PCIe (max. 75W) w/o extra
> power. Main reason: the latest had a fan, which started to scream. As
> in almost not running. Cleaning did not help. So... No fan, no sound,
> and cleaning a heatsink is easy, as opposed to cleaning a fan +
> heatsink combo. And besides, a downward-facing heatsink does not
> tend to clog up as one that has a fan blowing onto it...
> -dnh, *darn* Time to clean-out the CPU-heatsink once again too :(
>     CPU-temp and fan-speed are still ok though.
> [1] I started with IIRC ~30-40% "brightness" as preferred setting, and
>     am now at ~40-50%... Which is good for a 10yr+ old CCFL, eh? :)

I have some old cards like that too.  One I had given to me and the heat
sink fell off of it before I got it.  I could see the glue that was left
behind and I stuck a new one on there and used it for a long time. 
Later, I added a fan.  It got warm but not hot.  Still, I like to run
things as cool as possible.  The fan ran at a low speed so no noise.

I was digging around the other day and found a couple cards that used to
be used for adding a mouse.  That is a pretty old card.  Of course, I
don't have any working systems that I can plug any of that into.  I'm
actually throwing away old systems that no longer even beep on power up,
which is a lot.  I also found a mid 90's mobo. I think the max ram was
1MBs.  Heck, almost all hard drives have more cache than that nowadays.

How far we have come computer wise.  I've got more memory than I used to
have in hard drive space, even when having more than one drive in a rig.


:-)  :-) 

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