Andrew Udvare wrote:
> On 03/12/2018 17:50, Dale wrote:
>> Jack wrote:
>> I was wondering if the checksums could be checked?  If the OP can find
>> the checksum for the DVD as it comes from the factory, then he could
>> check what he has against that.  Question is, is that info even
>> available or does it vary over batches of DVDs?  If it varies, it may
>> not be possible to test that way even if checksums are available. 
>> Just throwing that out there in case checksums are available and it
>> could be done that way.  Sort of doubt it tho. 
> Checksums do exist. The Redump project is trying to collect all relevant
> disc information for every video game ever made, basically.
> The process to generate this information is very specific and requires
> software that isn't made for Linux unfortunately. But the MD5, CRC32,
> SHA1 is there which can be usually be checked with `dd /dev/sr0 |
> sha1sum` for a basic disc.
> PS1 and PS2 games can be checked without special hardware in this case,
> but for others, specific hardware is required.
> In my case I have a JTAG Xbox 360, so the best way for me to check a
> game is to have my Xbox 360 dump the disc contents entirely with an app
> that would not be available on a normal Xbox 360. If this fails at any
> point it's a bad disc (or it needs cleaning/repair).

So as usual, they are not very Linux friendly.  Figures.  I was hoping
that there might be something helpful out there.  Sounds like there is
but only in certain cases.  That said, if that will help the OP with
only half the games, that is half that can be tested.  Otherwise, one
has to play a lot of games and see if it crashes.  ;-)

My favorite game, if you call this that, Kpatience.  I play spider
solitaire with it.  Sometimes a few other games.  I did play Tux Racer
once years ago tho.  I don't recall ever buying a game tho.  I've heard
of a lot of them and even seen some run but never was to into it. 

Maybe some of this will lead to something that can help the OP. 


:-)  :-) 

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