On 13/11/18 12:09 pm, Adam Carter wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 9:11 PM Peter Humphrey <pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk
> <mailto:pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk>> wrote:
>     Morning all,
>     When emerging shorewall- I get an error from the kernel
>     settings check:
>     CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_IPV4:   is not set when it should be.
>     This is with gentoo-sources-4.19.1. And indeed there is no such
>     kernel
>     parameter:
>  Yep, grepped my .config archive and its gone in 4.19 so the shorewall
> ebuild (at least) will need an update. Checked bugzilla?

Grepping .config will only work sometimes - If its enabled it will be
there, if not it "may or may not be"

Only sure way that I am aware of is to use the search function "\" from
within make menuconfig.

Bill K.

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