Still no answers from anyone :)

Also I've encountered other problem when ran gparted-pkexec:

> $ gparted-pkexec
> ==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.gentoo.pkexec.gparted ====
> Authentication is required to run the GParted Partition Editor
> Authenticating as: root
> Password:
> polkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon:
> GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie
> Error executing command as another user: Not authorized
> This incident has been reported.

It can probably be related to this problem:

Maybe I need to post the issue to the Gentoo Bugzilla? Is it appropriate
for this kind of problems?

On 10/26/18 9:49 PM, Mick wrote:
> On Friday, 26 October 2018 15:31:33 BST Alexey Eschenko wrote:
>> I installed XFCE a long ago. But it was updated somewhen near August.
>> I'm using login manager as I wrote earlier when described reboot/shutdown
>> problem. It's unit enabled using systemctl enable.
> I'm not familiar with systemd, to know where logind obtains its $XSESSION 
> from, but someone else should hopefully contribute in soon.
>> I didn't set up sessions
>> manually. Nor am I remember to create this symlink. I think it must be part
>> of xfce4-session installation. Yeah. I remember using loginctl in the past
>> and there was always at least one session.
> Perhaps the Xfce file and symlink in /etc/X11/Sessions, or even /etc/env.d/
> 90xsession if installed, were part of the default Xfce installation - 
> assuming 
> Xfce is meant to be started with startx or startxfce4 from a console.
> Someone who runs both Xfce and systemd should post what their setup looks 
> like 
> for Alexey to compare notes with.

Kind regards,
Alexey Eschenko

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