27.10.2018, 17:56, "Dale" <rdalek1...@gmail.com>:
> Andrey Ponomarenko wrote:
>>  27.10.2018, 02:18, "Dale" <rdalek1...@gmail.com>:
>>>  Alexey Eschenko wrote:
>>>>   Is there any way to disable sending some parts of the collected data?
>>>>   I've seen some of the last probes and found that there may be some
>>>>   potentially sensitive data.
>>>>   I don't mind to share my configuration with community but I don't want
>>>>   to share some logs, mountpoint data and same other info.
>>>  I'd like to remove a few things myself.  Some things such as file system
>>>  mount points and such gives clues as to what they contain.  I noticed a
>>>  couple other things I'd rather not include.
>>>  I noticed it builds a directory inside /root/HW_PROBE/LATEST/.  I used
>>>  the command hw-probe-1.4-129-x86_64.AppImage -all but left off the
>>>  upload part.  It collected the info but didn't send it yet.  I wonder,
>>>  can we delete the info from the directory it created and then leave off
>>>  -all but put -upload and it send only what we didn't delete.  In other
>>>  words, build the files, remove what we don't want sent and then send
>>>  what is left.  Do it in three parts instead of one.
>>>  Anyone know if that works?  Anyone who doesn't care what they send mind
>>>  testing it for us who want to leave out some small amounts of data?
>>>  Thanks.
>>>  Dale
>>>  :-)  :-)
>>  Hi Dale,
>>  Please use --log-level=minimal option to collect minimal info. Please let 
>> me know if it still contains some unwanted info in this minimal mode.
>>  I'll patch the tool to collect less info by default in 1.5 (you'll need to 
>> explicitly set --log-level=maximal to collect mountpoints).
>>  Thanks a lot!
> I saw the other post and tried it without the upload option.  It still
> causes me some concern.  What I'd rather do, instead of you having a
> unique setting for myself and others with different issues, just be able
> to remove what we don't want included and then upload the data that
> remains. That would be the easiest by far option for you and other
> users.  If it will work that way, you won't have to change anything plus
> others will run up on this and know how to do it that way.  It also
> means that others can adjust based on their own set of concerns which
> may be different than mine.
> It did help with minimal but some things it didn't include, I was fine
> with sending but some things still remain that I don't.  If I remove
> other options and only pass -upload, will it only send the data in
> /root/HW_PROBE/LATEST/ or does it rebuild the file list again and then
> send?
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

It will send content of /root/HW_PROBE/LATEST/ only. If you remove some file 
from this directory then it will not be sent until you collect it again by -all 

But I think it's better to patch upstream code or add some option that will 
satisfy your needs to make the tool perform better by default w/o the need to 
write a wrapper script.

What unwanted files still remain in minimal mode?

Thank you.

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