Ühel kenal päeval, K, 19.09.2018 kell 16:35, kirjutas Helmut Jarausch:
> Hi,
> I wonder what I am doing wrong.
> For several packages, e.g.   x11-terms/kitty-0.12.1
> I get access violations like
>   * ACCESS DENIED:  mkdir:        /root/.config/kitty
> The cause of this is clear:  emerge is running as user/group
> 'portage'  
> but
> ls -ld  /root/.config
> gives
> drwx------ 15 root portage 4096 Sep 19 14:20 /root/.config
> One could change the permission of this folder, but there are
> several applications which use this folder.
> What am I missing?

kitty ebuild is missing a call to gnome_environment_reset, or at least
xdg_environment_reset. If that is not done (and the ebuild isn't EAPI7
and something in the build ends up using XDG standards), then you could
hit issues like this. Most often when you become root in a way that
keeps user settings.
To avoid this, you should consider using "su -" instead of "su" to
become root; or the equivalent in case of other methods (though sudo by
default does this and needs an extra argument to keep the env vars).

However this is also technicall a bug in the ebuild, as discussed
above, and such things should be tracked on bugzilla, if a particular
packages case already isn't.


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