I want to make a copy of a partition which I can use to replace it, if some catastrophe damages the partition or wipes it out ; it needs to be byte-byte identical, incl all permissions.
Can I use 'dd' ? -- eg 'dd if=/mnt/xxx of=/mnt/yyy', where the partition has been mounted at /mnt/xxx & a USB stick has been mounted at /mnt/yyy . Will that do the job ? There seems also to be an issue re 'bs=<some number of bytes>' : what size is best ? i plan to use USB 3.0 for quicker copying. Does it matter how the USB stick is formatted ? Can I use a raw stick with the usual default VFAT formatting ? Might it be better to replace that with a Linux FS, eg Ext2 ? -- ========================,,============================================ SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatchassdotutorontodotca