I'm re-purposing a Lenovo T400 notebook (CORE2 and 3 gigs ram) with a
32-bit Gentoo install.  I try to do "emerge -e @system" early in the
install, when there's under 200 packages.  Anyhow, python 3.6.5 is not
rebuilding. I've put in all the "final" USE flags for the system.  The
buildlog is attached (gzipped).

  And a bit of a rant... WTF is the initial stage 3 built against PAM?
I wasted an hour dicking around, trying to get ssh working, so that I
could finish up the install.  I finally figured out that I had to set
"usePAM no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config as a temporary hack.  The root
solution to the problem was to emerge openssh with USE="-pam".  I had
that in my flags, but the "emerge -e @system" died before getting to

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

Attachment: fail.txt.gz
Description: Binary data

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