On 05/27/2018 06:12 AM, Adam Carter wrote:
> Also, are you saying that the sequence of events for you was;
> - booted with new microcode, and lwp was missing from /proc/cpuinfo
> - you had instability
> - you rebuilt with -mno-lwp
> - stability returned
- quickpackage'd 'sys-kernel/linux-firmware' v20180507
- cat'd the /proc/cpuinfo file to oldcpuinfo.text ( in home directory )
- updated 'sys-kernel/linux-firmware' from v20180507 to v20180518
- compilied the updated / new kernel released, and modules, then
installed them
- booted with new microcode
- cat'd the new /proc/cpuinfo to newcpuinfo.text ( in home directory )
and lwp was missing from /proc/cpuinfo
- began experiencing 'kernel hard locks'
- next day, updated kernel version released, added '-mno-lwp' to
'make.conf' CFLAGS, built it && installed it
- rebooted, stability returned


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