On Tuesday, May 15, 2018 5:40:02 AM CDT David Haller wrote:
> Hello,
> On Mon, 14 May 2018, Elijah Mark Anderson wrote:
> >in the build log. I had forgotten that I was running emerge with
> >MAKEOPTS="- j9", which means that errors are not always at the bottom of
> >the log. When I remembered it, I searched the log for "error[: ]", and
> >bingo! Here's the relevant entry:
> >
> >[39/106] /usr/bin/python3.5 /usr/lib/python-exec/python3.5/meson --internal
> >msgfmthelper ../appstream-APPSTREAM_0_11_5/data/
> >org.freedesktop.appstream.cli.metainfo.xml data/
> >org.freedesktop.appstream.cli.metainfo.xml xml /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/
> >appstream-0.11.5/work/appstream-APPSTREAM_0_11_5/po --datadirs=/var/tmp/
> >portage/dev-libs/appstream-0.11.5/work/appstream-APPSTREAM_0_11_5/data/
> >FAILED: data/org.freedesktop.appstream.cli.metainfo.xml
> >/usr/bin/python3.5 /usr/lib/python-exec/python3.5/meson --internal
> >msgfmthelper ../appstream-APPSTREAM_0_11_5/data/
> >org.freedesktop.appstream.cli.metainfo.xml data/
> >org.freedesktop.appstream.cli.metainfo.xml xml /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/
> >appstream-0.11.5/work/appstream-APPSTREAM_0_11_5/po --datadirs=/var/tmp/
> >portage/dev-libs/appstream-0.11.5/work/appstream-APPSTREAM_0_11_5/data/
> >msgfmt: error while opening
> >"/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/appstream-0.11.5/work/
> >appstream-APPSTREAM_0_11_5/po/zh_TW.po/nja.po/npt_BR.po/n...@latin.po/ncs.p
> >o/
> >ngd.po/nfi.po/nid.po/nlt.po/nen_GB.po/nzh_CN.po/nuk.po/nckb.po/nar.po/nnl.
> >po/
> >nru.po/nko.po/nda.po/nsr.po/nfr.po/nhu.po/npt.po/nit.po/nsv.po/nca.po/nes.
> >po/ nde.po/nsl.po/noc.po/ngl.po/npl.po/ntr.po/nsk.po/neu.po" for reading:
> >Not a directory
> >
> >Looks like you were right after all, as
> >https://bugs.gentoo.org/640916#c7 is indeed a pretty dang close
> >match. Looks like a bug in the package itself. I'll mask this
> >version, as #c13 claims this is fixed in 0.11.8. Hopefully that'll be
> >in the tree soon(TM).
> In the meantime, put the attached patch into
>     /etc/portage/patches/dev-libs/appstream-0.11.5/
> e.g. as appstream-0.11.5-po_meson_build.patch
> We've got a rare case of "over-escaping" in the meson.build for once,
> as meson seems to replace '\\' even in commands by '/', so we end up
> with '/n' instead of '\n', i.e. "find -printf '%f/n'" instead of
> the correct "find -printf '%f\n'". The single '\n' get replaced by
> meson by an actual linebreak, so that works too.
> Upstream has fixed it in .8 by putting that stuff into an extra script
> see
> https://github.com/ximion/appstream/blob/master/contrib/meson/update-lingua
> s.sh
> HTH,
> -dnh
> --
> > Vollmonde erscheinen Periodisch alle 28 Tage.
> erst jetzt wird mir die Bedeutung des "blutroten Mondes" richtig bewußt.
>                                  [Harald Stowasser und Cheatah in dag°]

Awesome! Thanks, David! 

Elijah Mark Anderson
"Even dust, when piled up, becomes a mountain" - Ancient Japanese proverb

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